If you have been golfing for any reasonable period of time you have probably had occasion to feel sensations ranging from a few flitting butterflies to a full blown swarm of hornets raging around in the pit of your stomach. It can be so severe for some that they feel real anxiety attacks and cold sweats coming on. Not a great way to spend time that is supposed to be relaxing and enjoyable.

When do the nerves strike you? On the first tee with your mates looking on or perhaps when there is a crowd. When you've been called through and the group of strangers are watching and waiting like a pack of laughing hyenas to snicker and pretend to look away when you duff it? Or is it when you've got a crucial shot to finish off the opposition, halve a match or outright win your $5 bet.

Certainly if you are even remotely competitive or hate making a fool of yourself (perceived) in front of others with a shot you deem as "embarrassing" then you have suffered golfing nerves. Another thing about nerves is that they don't respect handicaps. The better you get at this game doesn't correspond automatically with lesser nerves, although I do find that more confident golfers certainly suffer less, by and large.

The biggest cause of nerves is plain old fear of humiliation and even if it's not immediately apparent as the cause it's virtually always traceable as the major influence. Even fear of losing a bet to your mate is really about having to admit defeat and that's your ego at it's worst. Imagine what it would be like to get rid of your ego? You could boldly and confidently go forth and not care who thought what. I know you would play better and have more fun.

No matter who you are and how good you are at playing this game and controlling your emotions, there is always a time when you need to control your nerves and if not get rid of the butterflies, at least get them to fly in formation and co-operate with you. Nerves can be a help if they are under control as they will heighten the senses and allow you to both focus more intently and get "up" to the best level for you to perform your best.

Technique number 1 - and probably the best - BREATHE.

Simple but highly effective natural remedy when done correctly. Breathing has deep physiological links to your internal states or emotions so if you are feeling nervous the last thing you want to do is take short, shallow breaths. Shallow, quick breaths actually instruct the brain to respond in a "fight or flight" manner which is the polar opposite of what you want. Your mind is hardwired to respond to fast breathing by being on the lookout for danger or threats of any kind (including humiliation) and when you think that your best golf will be played when you are calm and confident, being tense and looking out for threats isn't going to help.

Technique Model

While waiting for your turn to play stand aside and do the following breathing model.

Inhale 4 - 5 seconds. Breathe in slow and deep, allowing your belly to expand, in other words feel as though you are drawing the breath into your tummy - to the count of 4 - 5 seconds.

Hold 4 - 5 seconds. Hold the breath for a count of 4 - 5 seconds in a relaxed manner. If you are struggling to hold the breath then this won't be helping. Hold it for as long as it is comfortable for up to 5 seconds.

Exhale 6 seconds. Now slowly exhale to the count of approximately 6 seconds, allowing your stomach to contract and flatten again as the breath exhales.

I used the term model because this is only one model of a number of effective ways to use breathing to control and calm states. (nerves) Good breathing techniques are available from a number of disciplines including meditation. Any deep diaphragmatic breathing technique will work effectively.

Muscle Strain/Relax Method

Although I don't personally use this method and don't generally give it to a client first (I prefer the breathing technique) it is effective and deserves a mention as it might suit you personally.

It simply involves tensing and releasing, tensing and releasing. You can take a golf ball and squeeze it in a hand, feel the muscles tense all the way up the arm and over into your back and then relax the hand completely and feel all the muscles relax up the arm and through your back. Do this with both hands. You can also hold a club and squeeze it hard, then relax everything off. Take a deep breath in as you squeeze and then slowly release it as you relax. (Notice how I got sneaky and put some breathing in there)

At the same time as you do these relaxation techniques, repeat the words, "Relax - Calm - Confident" to yourself or use words that have better meaning to you.

There is also another way to instantly change your state which involves conditioning yourself to react in a calm and confident manner to a pre set "trigger." A trigger is a signal which when purposefully activated by you, sends a message to your brain to change your state and get you into the calm and confident state you need to play great golf. We all have many triggers already. Is there a certain tune or song that instantly brings back memories and changes your emotional state? When the traffic light changes to red you automatically break. Triggers are programmable using the NLP technique called anchoring.

Anchoring is most famously used by Tiger Woods, if you know what to look out for you can see him "triggering" himself into ultimate playing states. The good news is that you can learn these triggering techniques too.

If this has been useful to you and you would like to be able to learn "triggers" and "anchoring" - the quickest most powerful way to control your emotions - please visit my site for more information. You can find my recommendations of the top Mental Game programs like Every Golfers Guide To The Development And Mastery Of The Inner Game which you can read about at http://www.golfmindshop.com

Wishing you FIR's, GIR's & Blue Skies,


PS - You can also get your FREE copy of "Bring your golf scores to life" at http://www.golfmindshop.com

Discover What's HOT & What's ROT. Reviews of Golf Training Programs are now available online so you can read up on a system before deciding if it's right for you.

Mark Wright is a Master Coach and Sport Psychologist. He can be contacted via his website where you can get free advice on your golf swing or mental game just for the asking.

Visualising or imaging the shot you want to play prior to playing it as part of a solid pre-shot routine is as fundamental to me as keeping an eye on the setup and swing fundamentals. If you want to play your best golf you simply have to incorporate internalising the shot you want.

Think of this internalising the shot as a pre programming method. In other words you are telling your mind EXACTLY what you want. This will also help you to consciously focus in on the shot as well as giving instructions to the unconscious, instinctive part of your mind.

Without this kind of focus you are going to be more prone to allowing negative thoughts and unproductive lapses in concentration into your thinking at critical times during your routine and perhaps even while making the swing itself. We all know the consequences of being distracted while making a swing, either by an outside influence or our own negative internal voice. "Don't hit it in the water!"

How do you play all your shots, and I mean all including chips and putts? Do you haphazardly think about where you want it to go (more or less) and then swing away, perhaps fighting some internal demon self talk if you've had a few bad swings?

Do you have a very structured routine that you follow to the letter through each shot, which is so habitual that it's like an old friend and allows you to focus on what you're doing and keep out the vast majority of interference? I say vast majority because no one is going to keep 100% interference out 100% of the time. The best at it also stop what they are doing, mid swing if necessary, and start all over again if they are distracted by a thought or outside interference.

Before we go any further let me say that I know some people claim they cannot visualise. Relax. All you need to do is strongly imagine what you want the ball to do any way that "feels" right for you. Describe the shot to yourself as you imagine the ball doing what you want it to and perhaps add some sounds of a great shot to help you if that sounds like a good idea. Form now on when I say "Visualise" you replace that with the technique I have just suggested.

OK, let me presume you have a reasonably good pre-shot routine but you are not using visualisation techniques in it. If you do not have a pre-hot routine I strongly advise you to get one as it sets the stage for you to make the highest percentage good swings possible. It must be consistent so that it becomes almost automated in its steps and the calming and focusing effect it has for you. (If you are not sure what your pre-shot routine should incorporate then talk to a professional and get some advice)

The visualization component of the pre-shot routine is done at the beginning. Virtually every top player uses their mind systematically in their pre-shot routine and the visualisation process is critical to their success. Jack Nicklaus described it as "going to the movies" before each shot.

Firstly start by standing behind your ball in line with the ball and your target. Your target might be a small spot in the centre of the fairway, a small patch of slightly different coloured grass on the green, the edge of the cup or a small blemish at the back of the hole. Be extremely precise with your outcome/target before going into the physical aspects of your routine.

Now you must literally see the flight of the ball (or the run of the ball on the green) as it goes to the precise target you picked.(Or drops in the hole for putts and chips) If you are hitting the big stick down a generous fairway you should be just as focussed on a precise target as if you were trying to hole a putt to win the masters. Focused means in control and zeroed in to the target not nervous. This zeroing in or narrowing of attention activates your unconscious mind and provides it with clear instructions of what you want the ball to do.

Standing behind the ball, trace an imaginary flight line from the ball, as if you had just hit it, through the sky and back to your precise target. Internalise it and describe the perfect shot to yourself. I even know people who ask their minds internally to lock in the shot and make it happen and from a psychologists point of view this has real merit.

If you can add at least one more sensory experience to the process. In other words don't just see it but try to get a "feel" for the shot. Feel what you are seeing or add in the sounds of the ball coming off the club face perfectly or landing with a nice, satisfying thud on your target. The sound of the ball going in the hole is always great when appropriate. Really effective visualization involves incorporating other senses, not simply seeing, so I actually prefer to call it imagine engineering. (Imagineering) If you are only using visualization as a method of internally programming your shot you are not using your mind power as effectively as you could.

Now that you have completed your strong Imagineering of the shot you want, you continue with the rest of your routine and let the swing go.

There are numerous studies that confirm without doubt the great effectiveness of strategically applied Imagineering. By focusing your mind on inner game (in the mind) you are enhancing the mind/body connection as it is only your unconscious mind that can move your entire body in efficient manners in order to give you the most consistency possible. Conscious control of movement, especially complex movement like a full swing, is very in-efficient and often times clumsy by comparison.

Stay patient and keep working on your Imagineering and get ready for some fantastic moments when you pull off a shot "exactly" as you planned it in your mind. When this happens really enjoy it and congratulate yourself and thank your mind for working with you. The better you get the more often this will happen as new doors to golfing excellence open up to you, you can investigate many phenomenal ways to get your mind to swing your body better than you ever will consciously, without hours of ball beating!

If this article has been of interest to you, you can find out more on the mental side of golf and how it can dramatically improve anyone's game when you apply some easy techniques by going to my website at http://www.golfmindshop.com and read about "Every Golfers Guide To The Development And Mastery Of The Inner Game."

Wishing you FIR's, GIR's & Blue Skies.

PS - Get your FREE copy of probably the most comprehensive ebook on Golf Grip you will ever read. Click on here to access yours now. http://www.golfmindshop.com/gripsignup.html

Discover What's HOT & What's ROT. Reviews of Golf Training Programs are now available online so you can read up on a system before deciding if it's right for you.

Mark Wright is a Master Coach and Sport Psychologist. He can be contacted via his website where you can get free advice on your golf swing or mental game just for the asking.

This has got to be one of the most important strategies to have in your golf armory and yet one that is not used by the vast bulk of golfers. It's not rocket science and it will increase your enjoyment levels, your strategy options and scoring ability quite markedly.

"This is surely one of the most effective strategies in golf." - Ernie Els.

All you need to do is discover what distance you feel most comfortable pitching a ball into a green from. Now you may be able to think about this and come up with an idea of what it may be, but are you positive and have you honed it until it's a real weapon?

Here's how to get your secret weapon going. It will be as good as a secret weapon if you get this honed in because most golfers will not have a clue that you are using it intentionally and planning in many cases to set yourself up in order to bring it into play on a hole.

Go down to your practice ground or the driving range and take your wedges and perhaps a 9 iron depending on the distances you send the ball. Start hitting balls from 60 to 100 yards using your short game clubs. After a while you should be able to start narrowing down a few distances played with specific clubs that feel the easiest and most reliable to you. I would also encourage you to try ½ and ¾ swings pitching the ball to different distances.

Keep working until you settle on a swing rhythm and distance that you really feel comfortable with and then set a regular schedule to practice that one shot until it is honed in and reliable.

Now you have your "money shot" you can start to use it on the course by planning your hole strategies whenever you can so they set you up to use it. On short par 4's change what you hit off the T so that you are left with your favorite shot for your second. It's not wise to just try and blast it as close to the green as possible.

On par 5's if you are not going for the green in 2 shots then plan from the T to get the ball into your scoring distance and this may even allow you to take less risks with your T shot and 2nd. You may be able to hit a 3 wood and mid iron to get to your favorite lay up distance while every one else is trying to blast drivers and long irons.

When you have put a T shot in trouble, your money shot comes into play to help you out. From trouble many golfers get greedy and try to blast their way out of trouble and get as close to the green as possible. If you are in trouble it is often a lot easier to work the ball to your favorite pitching distance rather than trying to get it another 30 or 40 yards closer to the green.

Golfers who do not have a reliable pitch shot invariably end up taking double and treble bogey because they get greedy and this is largely due to the fact that they do not have the luxury of a reliable shot they can lay up to. Laying up to your favorite distance gives you a good chance of getting the ball close enough to hole the putt and save your par, but at worse it is just a single shot dropped.

Discover your secret weapon, money shot, and begin playing golf with more strategy and options, enjoyment and better scores.

Wishing you FIR's, GIR's & Blue Skies,

PS - Get your FREE copy of probably the most comprehensive ebook on Golf Grip you will ever read. Click on here to access yours now. http://www.golfmindshop.com/gripsignup.html. Discover What's HOT & What's ROT. Reviews of Golf Training Programs are now available online so you can read up on a system before deciding if it's right for you. Read the highly rated Mental Game Program I bought, tested and guaranteed to improve your golf.

Mark Wright is a Master Coach and Sport Psychologist. He can be contacted via his website where you can get free advice on your golf swing or mental game just for the asking.

Every golfer wants to learn how to shoot lower scores, no matter how long you have been playing this great game. Here I am going to give you 3 tips that you can take with you straight to the golf course to help you play the best golf of your life.

1. In order to learn how to shoot lower scores you need to have a goal of what you want to shoot. For most people a realistic, yet high goal would be to improve by 7 shots or so in a month. This goal is very attainable with a little hard work, and all you have to do is practice a little to see these results.

2. Identify your weaknesses and turn them into your strengths. This is something that the best players in the world do well, and with enough hard work you can do it also. If you are not a very good putter then I encourage you to work on your putting more than any other part of your game. The key to getting better at golf is to take the things that you are not good at and minimize those troubles.

3. The next thing that you need to do is to find a really good swing guide to help you through the process. You can find a number of books online, but most of them are just going to give you the same old information. You want something that is simple, informative, and can help you drop shots fast.

Try these three tips to learn how to shoot lower scores, and you will be playing the best golf of your life if you do what I did.

Do you want to bomb your tee shots and shoot lower scores? Before the Simple Golf Swing System I Was a 7 Handicap, Usually Shooting around 78. After the Simple Golf Swing System I took 5 Shots Off My Scores and Am Now a 2 Handicap! Read My Story and Learn How You Can Achieve The Same Results By Visiting http://swing-a-golf-club.blogspot.com For Instant Access!

Improve Your Golf Swing Tips

Posted by Angelo101 | 12:39 PM

Are you looking to improve your golf swing fast and play the best golf you have in a long time? It sounds like something that is hard to do, but most golfers find the most improvement when they go back to basics and begin working on the fundamentals. This is what Tiger Woods, Phil Mickelson, Geoff Ogilvy, and many of the best golfers in the world do to improve their scores.

1. The first thing that you need to do is remember that great positions in the golf swing do not matter if your tempo is poor. Now, their is not one perfect tempo for everyone, but generally your swing should match your personality. If you tend to walk and talk fast, then you should swing fast, and if you walk and talk slow, then you should swing slow. As a general rule of thumb most people will play better if they swing slightly slower than normal.

2. Another tip to improve your golf swing fast is to focus on your swing plane and posture. Many people neglect posture, but it is vital to your success as a golfer. In addition to this you need to keep a close eye on your swing plane to make sure it is consistent on every shot. A bad swing plane will cause you to hit some very bad golf shots.

3. Another thing you can do to improve your golf swing fast is to get a good book or guide that details the golf swing. All of us can use a reminder on the fundamentals, and it is important that it is presented in a simple manner because this will allow you to think more about golf shots than your technique. I found something that worked great for me, and it will work for you too.

Do you want to bomb your tee shots and shoot lower scores? Before the Simple Golf Swing System I Was a 7 Handicap, Usually Shooting around 78. After the Simple Golf Swing System I took 5 Shots Off My Scores and Am Now a 2 Handicap! Read My Story and Learn How You Can Achieve The Same Results By Visiting http://swing-a-golf-club.blogspot.com For Instant Access!

When swinging the golf club, to generate more club head speed means to get more distance. The trick is keeping the club head under control while you increase the swing speed. Many golfers find that even though they can hit the ball further by 'swinging harder', they'd rather use an easy swing to keep the control.

Luckily 'swinging harder' is not the only way to generate more club head speed. More club head speed should be achieved by improving swing mechanics and making efficient use of the energy that you are already producing in your swing.

Here are 5 Tips to Generate More Club Head Speed:

Loosen Your Grip. Grip is an often underrated part of the golf swing. A looser grip will allow the club to swing through quicker and release earlier. For golfers who struggle with a slice, gripping the ball loosely and in the base of the fingers (not the palm) will help with timing and should not only cure the slice, but add distance too.

Stand on the Balls of Your Feet. Setting up with your weight on the balls of your feet will help you to maintain a good balance and bring a smooth swing through the ball. Some golfers put too much weight on their heels and end up wasting energy trying to keep their balance during the swing, or can't get a proper weight shift fast enough to get more club head speed before contact.
Rotate Your Shoulders Back as Far as Possible. The shoulders play a huge role in generating more club head speed. You need to have a straight back and turn from the back so that your shoulders stay square with each other, but 'spin' on the axis of your spine. The more you turn your shoulders back, the more potential energy you are 'winding up' in your back muscles. You want to try to get your back facing the target.

Straighten Your Right Arm. Straightening your right arm in the downswing is another thing that is often overlooked. Bringing your arms through together with a full extension is key to getting a long axis that will generate high club head speeds. When you begin your downswing, make sure to straighten that right arm as early as possible without causing any hindrance to your shoulder rotation. You shouldn't 'reach out' with your arm, just make sure it straightens out early.
Use Your Hips. The rotation energy you produce is called torque, which is generated by minimizing your hip movement in the backswing to act as resistance, or an anchor, to your rotating upper torso. You can boost the torque even more by turning your hips towards the target before you come through contact. With the right timing you'll be able to give one last big 'twist' to the 'coil' before releasing, and the energy will be tremendous.

Just remember that you need to channel that energy through a long straight axis by straightening that right arm early, keeping your balance steady (and energy focused), and having a loose grip that allows the club to swing through and square up before it's too late! These tips will help you generate more club head speed without having to consciously 'swing harder'.
Did you know that any player can break 80 regardless of their natural talent for the game? A good online golf coach can help you achieve this. Find out the secrets to increasing club head speed and improving all other aspects of your game.

I know that one of the main concerns for many golfers is improving iron play. Their is nothing more frustrating than being good at driving and putting, yet not being able to hit crisp iron shots. The good news is that with a few minor swing changes you are going to be able to hit your irons better than you ever have in your entire life!

If you really want to hit more solid iron shots then you must realize how an iron works. I know this sounds rather silly, but just take a minute to listen to what I am saying. Many people try to lift the ball in the air with their irons, and this is not necessary because the loft of the club is designed to do that for you. You need to make sure that when you are trying to hit crisp iron shots that you let the club do what it is designed to do, and do not try to help the ball get into the air.

Another great tip for improving iron play is to make sure that you take care of the basics. By this I mean that you need to take care of the fundamentals such as the grip, stance, and alignment. Your grip should be in a neutral position, and your stance shoulder width apart. It is important that you are aligned with your target because this will help you hit better iron shots.

Lastly to really hit the irons more solid you need to practice. Their is no substitute for practice, but what you may not realize is that practicing the wrong things can really hurt your game more than it helps. So, if you are really interested in improving iron play I suggest that you make sure you practice smarter by really getting a good golf swing guide.

See The Exact Methods I Used To Take 5 Strokes Off My Game In Just 30 Days Using a Revolutionary New Approach To The Golf Swing!

Visit http://swing-a-golf-club.blogspot.com For Instant Access!

Want to know how to prevent a golf slice and improve on your next round? Of course you do because slicing the ball is about the most frustrating part of your golf game. It certainly was mine. I got to the point where I was all but done with golf because I could not fix my slice.

I thought I could just play through it but the more I played the more frustrated I became. Are you guys tired of constantly getting beat by your friends and co-workers well guess what soon you won't be getting beat any longer. Here are six steps that can help you fix that slice right now.

1. During the take away on the swing, it is important that you have a straight back motion and avoid pulling inside too fast or reaching out too far. A proper swing will be inside the swing plane.

2. As you coil your body maintain proper distance between the hands and the chest. Furthermore, a coiling action will produce far greater results than a steep swing plane.

3. On the back swing it is important to keep the lead elbow as straight as possible. This is something that I struggled with and when I got tired this would be the first bad habit that would surface.

4. The down swing will always start with the transferring of weight beginning with the hips and not the arms. Remember this point, when you focus on leading with the hips and not the hands, shoulders and arms you will get the best swing results.

5. Relaxation is key to improving your game. Throughout the setup, grip and the swing you should be relaxed. Your grip should be loose and you should not be tense when swinging the club.

6. Pay attention to your hands and arms after you release the club through impact. You should release straight down your target line and not have a twisting motion.

There are many reasons why golfers slice the ball, I had several problems with my swing and only when I stopped being stubborn and got help with my swing did I finally improve. Proper swing mechanics is the true key to eliminating your slice and scoring lower on your rounds.

What if I told you that you could break 80 in just 60 days from right now? Would you believe me, most likely not I'm assuming. So don't take my word for it, listen to the 19,000 golfers in more than 36 countries who have found the system that fixed their swing problems.

The system is called the Simple Golf Swing System and the creator of this system will g
uarantee you will be playing better golf in just two weeks or he will personally send your money back. If you go through my website link you will receive a free gift just for reading the offer.

CureMyGolfSwing.com So get the system that has a success rate of 95%.
As an additional bonus the creator of this system is going to throw in an additional $250 in bonus material when you order the Simple Golf Swing System. Start hitting the ball straighter and further and you will gain a new fond confidence level.
For additional benefits you will get with the Simple Golf Swing System, testimonials and the reason why I almost quit golfing

To kick off I would suggest this, in other words try it and see how it works for you. The more you combine practice with visualizing your swing, the quicker you will reach your goal of hitting the golf ball long and straight.

Another problem that plagues so many golfers is the distance factor. How many times do you see that golfer set up on the ball and just try to crush the golf ball?

More times than not, you could probably throw the ball as far as
they hit it. You don't want to muscle the club, let the club do the work. Grip the club with your forward hand and let that hand hold the club Just firm enough to hold the club head off the ground.

Then, let your back hand lightly grip the club. This hand's only job is to guide the club through your swing. Your back swing should be a slow controlled motion.
Then, allow your hands and arms to come back down and through the golf ball. At the point of impact you want to be back in the same position you started in.

Also, at the point of impact you want to have what I call a controlled explosion, not everything you have just enough to swing the club all the way through the ball. As you become more comfortable with the swing then and only then can you begin to add more power to your swing.
The one thing I find that gives people the most trouble, usually without them knowing it, is keeping their eyes fixed on the ball. After hitting the ball everyone wants to see the ball in flight. You have to remember to stay fixed on the ball all the way through the point of impact. If you do this you will see where the ball is going.

Follow these tips and you will begin to see your golf ball flying straighter and longer.
Select the following links and you can:Join us as we show you how to track your game so that you can take it to the next level and boost your confidence on the tee box.Price compare the latest golf equipment from multiple suppliers.Follow along as I take lessons to go out and break 80 this year.I will share my progress by video and will include my mistakes which you can learn from.

Click this link and get a free e-bookThe 5 Secrets To Distance

Thanks to our sponsors we can give you a free e-book -"Conquer Bogey Golf"

You don't think you can swing your country club fees anymore, yet you still want to swing that iron. No problem! Golfing on a budget is achievable; it just requires legwork and flexibility. Here are five tips for golfing on a budget:

1. Forget country, go municipal Municipal golf courses don't offer all of the extra amenities that come with club membership, but they do provide an inexpensive place to practice, play, and meet new people. Since they are open to the public, city courses don't charge membership fees. If you live in a large city, chances are there is at least one or two public golf courses near you.
For instance, New Yorkers can enjoy the Spook Rock Municipal Golf course. Golf Digest ranked Spook Rock as the 10th best public course in New York and one of the most affordable golf courses in the country. With green fees starting at just $18 for residents and $11 for seniors, Spook Rock offers a thrifty way for New York's golfing enthusiasts to practice their passion.

2. Play during the week Weekend fees are higher than Monday through Thursday rates. If you're not keen about crowded courses anyway, why not change your playing days to take advantage of the lower fees?

3. Play twilight golf Twilight simply refers to unusual tee-off times. Generally, twilight rates begin after 2:00 pm or 3:00 pm, and are significantly lower than morning rates. Be aware that twilight rates typically change according to whether it is a weekday or a weekend-weekdays twilight hours are usually less expensive.

4. Use coupons, discount cards and senior citizen rates Golf coupons and deals are out there, but it may require some work to find them. During the spring and fall, courses often extend special offers for seniors. With the economy where it is, we can expect these discounts to be made available during the peak summer months as well at some courses. Seniors should also inquire whether clubs offer special discounts for their age group.

5. Book online and in advance Some golf courses have online specials and will offer you discounts if you book in advance. Some golf courses will also extend a generous discount after you have booked five times. To save even more, opt to sign up for clubs' e-newsletters, which often contain information on discounted fees and special promotions.

6. Used golf clubs and accessories New golf equipment can be prohibitively expensive. Save money by playing with used golf clubs and accessories, especially if you're relatively new at the game. Start with old clubs and master your strokes first before you go for top-of-the-line golf clubs. Most clubs have bulletin boards with postings from players who want to sell their old clubs. Other resources for finding good used equipment include community centers, classified ads, and online auction sites like eBay.

7. Work part-time at a golf club Working at a club - even on a part-time basis - can save you precious dollars on course fees. Putting in a few hours as a course monitor, instructor, or salesperson in the pro shop will help you earn a little green and employee discounts.

~Ben Anton, 2009

Ben Anton lives in Portland, OR.Read more about repowering from the experts on golf cart small engines at the Repower Specialists site for Kohler, Honda and Toro engine rebuild kits.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ben_Anton

A lot of golfer are frustrated because of their golf swing slice. The solution to this problem is a proper way to swing a golf club. If you are willing to better your game and lower your score then this article is for you. To execute the problems in your game and to perfect your style of swing you have to practice. And this means practising a lot. The more you do the more you can reach. It is that simple. The first point you should consider is to simplify your swing. A proper golf swing should be as simple as it could be. Do not waste energy in a worthless way. Straight ahead is the key to take out the faults of your game. If you take care of this you will get the right rhythm in your moves. A good feeling makes it a lot easier. Relax before you swing and visualize your movements. This way you will be able to automate your game and the right rhythm will better your golf swing slice. All of these aspects will end up in a good rotation of you hips, a better grip and stance. The so called basics and essentials in golf. A proper way to swing a golf club is to take these training methods and put them all together to fix a slice. As always there is not perfect way to achieve your goals in golf. You have to find out what fits to you and your daily routine. Do you have to work 12 hours a day? Maybe you body fitness is not that good? All these questions have to be answered. Analyze these points and then move on to a good training program.
Next you will want to know where to find a good golf training guide to better your golf swing slice. Take your game to the next level.
Mark Langer has helped a lot of people to improve their golf swing and showed them a Proper Way to swing a golf club. Marks Free Online Course and his recommended Golf Swing Guides are jam packed with golf swing tips and techniques. Take advantage from a Golf enthusiast here http://www.golf-swing-guide-reviews.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mark_Langer

To succeed in golf you need to learn how to hit a driver properly. You'll hear different golf teachers preach different ways to hit a driver. Ultimately the results will determine if the driver is being hit properly or not. When learning how to hit a driver properly you should define a proper drive as one that goes fairly straight, landing in the fairway or not too far into the rough, and one that goes farther than you could hit any other club.

To Hit a Driver Straight:

You must be lined up straight. Make sure your feet, knees, hips, and shoulders are lined up parallel left to the target line.

The club face must be square at impact. This is a complex accomplishment that is influenced by your grip, swing technique, swing speed, and the golf driver itself, especially the shaft.
If your ball spins to the right than the club face is too open at impact. This is called slicing and is the most common problem in golf.

If your ball spins to the left than the club face is too closed at impact. This is called hooking and is also a common problem.
In either case you should learn to adjust your grip and swing technique to fix the problem.
You need to hit the ball squarely. The center of your driver club face is called the 'sweet spot', that's where you want to make contact with the ball.

To Hit a Driver Far:

You have to use your whole body, not just your arms. Learn to rotate your back and hips properly and you'll have effortless distance.
The club must flex back in the downswing and snap forward at impact. You have to let the club do the work it is supposed to do. Learning how to hit a driver properly means learning how to use the golf driver properly. A lot of practice is needed to get the timing right on the 'snap' of the golf club.

You need to generate a lot of driver club head speed. Technique is important here, but you also need to swing hard enough to get the driver head moving fast.
There are a lot of elements to consider when learning how to hit a driver properly. Having a basic understanding of the concepts involved will help you learn why certain techniques are important.

Did you know that any player can break 80 regardless of their natural talent for the game? A good online golf coach can help you achieve this.
Find out the secrets to Hitting a Driver properly and improving all other aspects of your game.
Click to learn the real source of Golf Swing Power.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Case_Bauer

One of the best and easiest ways to improve your golf swing is to focus on two or three simple golf swing keys and learn to master these. If you try to focus on too many things while you are on the course then you are likely to fail, however if you are willing to practice and focus on just a few things, mainly one key on each shot then you will be able to play better golf in no time.

1. The first idea that can have you playing better golf in a hurry is to make sure that you visualize the shot that you want to hit before you take action. Most people focus on what can go wrong on a shot, but by changing your mindset to focus on where you want to hit it as opposed to where you do not want to hit it will improve your golf shots.

2. Another thing to focus on is your backswing. Most people take the club too far to the inside on their backswing, and as a result they either hook the ball or slice the ball. The easiest way to hit better golf shots is to make sure that when your club reaches hip high in the back swing that the toe of the cub is pointed to the sky. From this point all you have to do is turn your shoulders to get into the perfect position at the top of the backswing.

3. Tip number 3 dealing with golf swing keys is to "squat" on the downswing. What this does is that it helps you compress that ball better which in turn will help you hit longer and straighter golf shots, and you will put more spin on your short irons and wedges. Tiger does this, and this is one reason he is able to hit the ball so solid time after time.

Try these golf swing keys and see if they do not improve your golf swing drastically next time you play golf!

See The Exact Methods I Used To Take 5 Strokes Off My Game In A Matter Of Days, Not Weeks or Months!

Visit The Simple Golf Swing Website For Instant Access!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Matthew_Lord

A Few Golf Club Buying Tips

Posted by Angelo101 | 3:23 AM

A few things you need to know before you buy. One of the biggest mistakes is the ideal that more expensive is better. People believe that if they buy a set of clubs for $800 dollars it will automatically make them a better golfer. This is so untrue. Paying $3000 dollars for a setoff irons aren’t necessarily going to make you a better golfer than buying a cheaper set. Remember the big name manufactures pay big money to advertise these products and that cost just gets added on to the clubs. A high priced club isn't going to lower your handicap, but one chosen correctly will.

One point to takes is about the shaft of your club, remember the shaft of your club is the most important part and a good shaft makes for a good club. Shaft flex has a lot to do with how your club feels and its effect on distance. You will need to know the speed of your swing in miles per hour, if you do not know this go to your closest golf club shop and have it measured, then look at the following information;

Swing Speed Conversions of Shafts

• Ladies Flex - Driver speed swing of less than sixty miles per hour (a hundred kilometers per hour). Driver carry distance of fewer than a hundred and eighty yards. Club used from a hundred and fifty yards: a three iron or a wood.

• Senior or A Flex - Driver speed swing of sixty-five to seventy-five miles per hour, or a hundred to a hundred and twenty kilometers per hour. Driver carry distance of between a hundred and eighty and two hundred ten yards. Club used from a hundred fifty yards: a four iron.

• Regular Flex - Driver speed swing between seventy-five and eighty-four miles per hour, or a hundred and twenty to a hundred and thirty-five kilometers per hour. Driver carry distance is between two hundred ten and two hundred forty yards. Club used from a hundred and fifty yards: a five iron or six iron.

• Stiff Flex - Driver speed swing is between eighty-four and ninety-three miles per hour, or a hundred thirty to a hundred fifty kilometers per hour. Driver carry distance of two hundred forty to two hundred sixty yards. Club used from a hundred fifty yards: a six iron or seven iron.

• Extra Stiff or X-Stiff Flex - Driver speed swing over ninety-three miles per hour (a hundred and fifty kilometers per hour). Driver carry distance of more than two hundred sixty yards. Club used from a hundred fifty yards: an eight or nine iron.

Another tip for beginners and novice is purchasing a shallow face metal wood. These clubs are easy to hit with and very accurate, because they have a low center of gravity. This is something that any golfer can appreciate, and these clubs are quite economical.

Another tip is for the beginner or novice putting together a set of clubs is to eliminate some clubs from there set. The two, three, and four irons are hard to hit clubs which should be replaced with number three and number five hybrid clubs instead, for an easier game. Once you've mastered these clubs, you can consider adding the others back into your set.

Jeff SewardFind tips about golf terms and putting pictures at the Putting Tips website.There are many people that love the game and sport of golf. Too many people may ignore the audience that exists in the form of youths. Many young people are interested in the game and will spend just as much time invested in this sport as other individuals may invest themselves in baseball or softball. All athletes deserve the best type of sports equipment that they can find, and in many instances when this comes to the game of golf, children will be able to benefit from junior toski golf equipment. Many of the Toski golf equipment is made to the exact specifications of the consumers. What people want, when it comes to golf, they are able to get by working with the Toski company.

Not just junior Toski golf equipment is available, either. There are men and women golf equipment pieces that can be purchased as well. With Toski, the whole family can enjoy the game of golf together, from the adult equipment to the junior toski golf equipment that is available to be purchased.

In addition, it has never been easier to purchase the junior toski golf equipment or the other pieces that an individual might need in order to ensure that they are able to fully enjoy the game of golf. With the help of the internet, an individual can use their own personal computer to place orders when it comes to golf equipment as supplied by the Toski company. Whether a person wants new golf equipment of used junior Toski golf equipment, they are able to find exactly what they are looking for on the internet. Many people are also able to save money when they shop on the internet since this is what breeds so much competition between the companies. There are so many stores all populated in one general area on the World Wide Web. This breeds competition easily between stores, who have to compete using prices, since this is typically one of the first things that the consumer notices.

Looking for the right pieces of Junior Toski golf equipment no longer needs to be a struggle, either. It is very easy for individuals to identify exactly what they are looking for, and locate it easily thanks to the help of internet search engines. Whether a consumer is looking for a specific style of color, finding the right piece of Junior Toski golf equipment has never been easier for consumers. Being able to order items online at any time of the day or night also adds to the convenience of shopping online as opposed to going to the store. Having the packages dropped off right at one's own home is also a very positive aspect of shopping online, since a person will never have to leave their home in order to get the items. Junior Toski golf equipment items are a great investment for children that love the sport, as well as families that are looking for better ways to spend their quality time. An energetic game of golf may be just the thing to bring one's family closer together.

Mary provides articles to assist golf tournament planning personnel find gifts, providing shopping tips and how to benefit from personalized gifts, promotional products, and awards for golf tournaments. Her work is sponsored by Wealthwood Golf Ball GiftsOrganizing a corporate event has many benefits and advantages. You may wish to consider organizing a golf tournament for your company. A golf event is a fun and exciting event for everyone. It helps the staff to relax, and everyone can have a little bit of fun. If possible try to give away some golf ball gifts as incentives or souvenirs to make the day more memorable.

Golf ball gifts are special and inexpensive items that all golfers would love to own. They are usually made from glass, and they are meant more as decorative ornaments as opposed to functional items. But to make the gifts more special, you can always choose to give away personalized gifts. These gifts are ideal for corporate events. There are several ways you can customize these gifts.

1) Monogrammed Initials.

There are a wide variety of engraving styles to choose from. These are 2 dimensional initials that will be printed on the surface of the glass. Simply choose a style, and enter the engraving info that you want. You can enter company initials, or you can enter the initials of key executives in your company. The styles differ quite greatly. Perhaps you can pick one that fits the image of your company.

2) Plain text.

If you don't like the styles that you see, you can always choose the plain text option. Plain texts are also 2 dimensional texts, but they have no designs. If you want to put across any initials or messages plainly, this is the option you want to choose. Also, plain texts are also more readable. Any information that you want to be readable should appear as plain texts. For example, the address and phone number for your company should be printed as plain texts for easy reading.

3) Printing custom logo.

You may be surprised to learn that you can even print your company logo on the golf ball gifts. This option is perhaps the most special among all the options. With your company logo imprinted on the gifts, the items become exclusive items that can't be bought anywhere else. All who attended the company event will have something to bring home so that they can remember the special day whenever they see the logo on the gift.

4) Plain with no printing.

Of course, you can choose to giveaway plain golf ball gifts with no printing at all. This is the cheapest option among all. Sometimes, the gift just look great by itself, and you feel that there is no need for printing. In that case, this option will be most ideal.

5) Combination of above options.

Finally, you can always consider combining the above mentioned options. Make sure you check with the gift supplier to see if the combination you want is feasible or not. For instance, if there is not enough space for the printing, the supplier will advise you accordingly.

If you want to present these gifts in nice little packages, you can opt-in for the gift wrapping option for a small fee. The items will then be sent to an address that you designate. The products usually ship in about 5 working days.

For more information about how to improve your game, please visit www.prozar.com .Choosing a decent set of golf clubs is a very important part of maturing in the game. Therefore you should consider many different things when buying the clubs. If you have no previous experience with the selection and purchase of golf clubs, you should be glad that you have stumbled across this article. You will find out some of the most helpful advice when buying clubs, as well as general helpful information that any golfer should know. If you are very thorough in your search for the right golf clubs, you will be glad that you took the extra time and research to find out the information needed to make that choice.

Firstly you should familiarize yourself with the types of golf clubs that you need. There are 14 clubs total for each set, but they can all be categorized in the following: irons, woods, and putters. Irons are the ones that are used for very distance specific golfing work, and the distance is determined by the size and weight of the head. You are provably most familiar with these from using them on the golf course. Woods are used to achieve very large distances with a slightly lower accuracy level than irons. You will have to hit a ball a few times with a wood to get an idea of how far it will go with your stroke. Putters are used for shorter strokes, and strokes that require a higher level of accuracy than the other clubs can provide. In order for your golf club collection to be complete (or even functional within the golf game), you will need to have at least one of each of these.

If you are just getting started with golfing, then you probably won’t want to buy a full golf set. It is a better idea to buy adjustable clubs that can change into different types. You may be able to change the 14 clubs into just 5 or 6. This not only means less to carry, but also that you will be able to tweak your clubs to perfection after you purchase them. This is the best way to get a feel for your needs when it comes to the specific statistics of the club. Once you have pretty much decided on certain settings, you may decide to buy golf clubs that are permanently set like that. Until then, you should be perfectly fine with adjustable clubs, especially since you are a beginner.

Graphite is something that many golfers are split on. The advocates of graphite say that it is lighter, easier to swing, and allow for more powerful strokes because of this. However, there are many who disagree with graphite and will remain steel golfers for life. They maintain that graphite clubs are unnecessarily expensive, without giving noticeable benefits. Some prefer the stiffness of steel over the comparatively flexible graphite clubs. If you have a fast stroke or you prefer to have some weight in your club, you will be fine sticking with steel clubs. After all, there’s nothing better than really having a heavy club that you can feel the momentum in when you swing.

Until you are an advanced golfer, you won’t have to worry about things like spin and head weight. The best thing you can do as a beginner is to familiarize yourself with all aspects of the game, and become very skilled with the equipment that you already have. Doing this will allow you to make smart choices for the future, and therefore constantly improve your golf game. Until then, just stick with what you have and master it. You will be glad in the future when you have not wasted huge amounts of money on equipment that is far more fancy and technical than you could possibly need. This is something that many golfers regret, and something that you can avoid.

Illegal Golf Drivers

Posted by Angelo101 | 2:38 AM

Roberto BellLet us see an example of such illegal golf drivers. The various parameters that vary in each model are face Height, Face Angle, Color, Material and Bore Depth. Go through the feedback of those who have already used or are using the non - conforming golf clubs. This is available in the website http://www.illegalgolfdrivers.com In addition you can compare various technical specifications too. Similarly Illegal golf balls - those designed to enhance the distance traveled are also available.

They are golf clubs that breach the United States Golf Association (USGA) limit of COR. USGA holds the right to define the shapes and physical characteristics of clubs that are permissible in tournament play. COR is nothing but a value between 0 and 1 which reflects the energy lost or retained when a collision takes place between two objects. The value is zero in case of collisions where the two colliding objects stick together and do not move forward. In other words we can say that all the energy of the collision was absorbed and lost. An example for the case where COR value is 1 would be an impact (collision) taking place between two cue balls, with one ball hitting another ball resembling it exactly in size and mass at right angles. In other words all of the energy of the hitting object must be transferred to the idle object.

We cannot expect the COR value to be exactly 1 when a golf ball is hit by golf club. USGA have made it mandatory that COR value must not exceed .830 on January 2008. Why do the gold clubs not strictly adhere to the USGA limit? There are reasons. Let us see what effect this limitation has on the performance. For this first get familiar with some basic terms. Carry distance is the distance a golf ball travels in the air after being hit by the head. This distance is measured using a grid system with markers in the landing zone.

Total distance is the sum of carry distance and roll distance (distance traveled from first ground contact to the point where ball travels). Swing speed is the speed with which he or she swings the club to hit the ball. Apart from swing speed the carry distance is also dependent on COR. Higher the COR value greater is the carry distance. The clubs which exceed this value to enhance the distance traveled by the ball are referred to as non conforming golf club.

Lake Hefner Golf Club

Posted by Angelo101 | 2:36 AM

Shane WauhobLake Hefner Golf Club in Oklahoma City is home to all kinds of recreational activities. Hotels of OKC - The Bricktown Hotel & Convention Center, one of the finest hotels in downtown Oklahoma City is a friendly oasis in the heart of Oklahoma City.Lake Hefner Golf Club in Oklahoma City is made up of two great courses – the North Course and South Course. Both the courses are challenging and extremely beautiful, managed by Director of Golf, Alsie Hyden. Water hazards, bunkered fairways and greens are features of the courses. Seasoned players and amateurs alike are sure to enjoy the Lake Hefner experience.

Designed by Randy Heckenkemper, the North Course is an 18-hole, 6,970-yard, par-72 course and the longer of the two courses. Opened in 1994, it has a course rating of 73.8 and a Bermuda grass slope rating of 127.

The South Course is an 18-hole, 6,305-yard, par-70 golf course designed by Floyd Farley. It has received a course rating of 70.5 and a Bermuda grass slope rating of 123. This is the shorter and older course, opened in 1965.

Lake Hefner Golf Club in OKC is located on the southwestern side of Lake Hefner, home to all kinds of recreational activities. Boating, biking, fishing and picnicking are the other activities one can enjoy at Lake Hefner. The lake and its surroundings are ideal for nature lovers. The Lake Hefner trails traverse through the entire boundary of the lake and are over 9 miles in distance. The wide trails are 12ft wide with asphalt surface for biking, jogging and walking, while the eastern side of the lake features narrower trails 6ft wide, created specifically for pedestrians.

Guests of OKC hotels looking for some great fun under the sun and desiring to sharpen their golfing skills should ideally visit Lake Hefner and the Lake Hefner Golf Club. Hotels in OKC offer shuttle services to all the important attractions in Oklahoma City.

Ami Maranda

You can learn so much more about golfing and especially women's golf club sets online. One great option is to take advantage of A very informative yet simple to take *free* information and what's new that you can find by clicking here golfclubsecret.com You will also find tips and tools and additional articles.

Since growingly women play a game of golf, women's golf club sets become things which are most desired. In the past, golf was affirmed as a men’s only sport, but nowadays it is no longer valid. surprisingly, women become a promising market now and women’s sports wear includes women’s golf club have appeared ordinary.

It was Annika Sorenstam who accompanied the surge of appreciation for women playing golf. Nowadays, there are numerous women’s golf club sets and women’s golf wear spread out. Golf lovers know that the right golf club sets can greatly advance a person’s game. Thus, let us examine as to how we can get the best women’s golf club sets yourself.

Go to a Pro Golf Club Fitter Best

Of course, you can imitate what men do to find the best women’s golf club sets i.e. going to someone who understand what they’re carrying out. You can also go to a store which has a professional golf club fitter. These are some ideas on what to ask your professional fitter as to the best right women's golf club sets

It is essential to identify your grasp. grasp is determined by the size of your hands; it is the most inexpensive thing in a women’s golf club set. grasp have a possibility to harden, get slick, oxidize, and then loose their hold as time goes by. The grasp that have their best grasp are commonly the one’s that loose their grasps the fastest.

Hence, to play it safe, buy the highest quality grip with a greater normal longevity, but not the most absolute highest grip factor. This way when you don’t change your grip regularly, you will still have good grips.

But it is suggested that you change your grip from time to time it will have a positive effect on your game. Think of your women’s golf club sets like a car that needs oil change regularly, except that its grip needs to be changed every 3,000 rounds or six months.

Next thing to consider is length, the length of your women’s golf club sets is significance both for comfort and swing momentum. Commonly the longer the golf club the farther the ball will travel, but then it will be very difficult to control. So my counsel especially for beginners is to find the right length that is proportionate to your height, and the distance between your wrist and the ground when in astride position.

Lastly consider the flex of your women’s golf club sets. Stiffer shafts are typically better for stronger hitting golfers, so go ahead and half the professional golf fitter asses the strength of your swing.

In fact, you don not need to spend much money for women’s golf club sets just to be a skilled player. A good playing does not depend on the expensive equipment exactly. Thus, do assesment and go to a wallet friendly store.

Thus, does the above-mentioned information still not satisfy your need in knowing about women's golf club sets? Explore more the suitable information herein!

J Peter Martin
I hope you found this article interesting and informative.Get more articles and info about tinyurl.com/golf2d”>golf chipping tips.
You can also visit How to get the tinyurl.com/golf1b”>correct golf swing forhints, tips and advice on everything golf.
Why do I need a golf swing coach?

Well, the simple answer is - you probably don't. Unless you are a single figure handicap or professional player, you would normally get all the swing training you need from your local teaching pro.

When you start to have golf lessons, one of the first things covered, after the grip, is the swing. Your teacher will get you swinging on the right plane. He will also work with you to achieve the correct rhythm and tempo. As you progress, you will appreciate the importance of a good swing and being able to repeat it time after time.

The specialist golf swing coach would normally work with very low handicappers and professionals - even the pros need coaching to keep consistency in their swing, and with so many good players In the upper echelon it's a fine line between huge success and mediocrity.

So, for the majority of us , our local teaching pro will substitute for the golf swing coach. If you are having problems with your swing, you could ask for a whole lesson to be focused on it, to iron out any faults.

In summary, your teaching pro will show you how to swing a golf club from scratch, and correct any faults you may have as you progress through your lessons. You would only need the services of a golf swing coach when you have achieved a very high standard, and his role would be observational rather than tutorial, pointing out minor faults that you might need to tweak.

Oklahoma City Golf Courses

Posted by Angelo101 | 2:26 AM

Shane WauhobThe Oklahoma City golf courses offer the perfect break for residents of Oklahoma City. Hotels Oklahoma City - The Bricktown Hotel and Convention Center, is one of the finest hotels in Downtown Oklahoma City located only 1.5 miles from downtown Oklahoma City’s historic Bricktown District.The Oklahoma City golf courses range from tough ones to those ideal for beginners. They offer the perfect break for residents of the city and professionals otherwise caught in boardroom battles.

The Lake Hefner public golf course in Oklahoma City is one of the most beautiful among these. Located on the southern shore of Lake Hefner, it consists of two courses of 18 holes each with 50 obstacles on each of them. Earlywine Park features a public golf facility made up of two courses. Chipping and pitching facilities are offered. For practice, the course features a driving range along with four putting greens. One can also get a golf lesson from an expert here. A restaurant and a snack shop offer refreshments.

Trosper Park’s public golf facility is the one for beginners. It consists of 18 holes and features only four water hazards and seven traps. A driving range, putting green, chipping green and bunker are the practice facilities offered. A snack bar is also around. The Silverhorn Golf Club is a public course and quite beautiful, considering it’s located only a few minutes from downtown. The tough course satisfies the experts and helps amateurs sharpen their game. One of the obstacles here is the tall grass. The putting green and driving range are available for practice. A snack bar is also offered.

The Lincoln Park golf facility is located south of Remington Park. Each of its two 18-hole courses features thirty sand traps and five water hazards. Here too there is a restaurant and a snack shop.

OKC hotels offer the best of hospitality, catering to players after a long game at one of the Oklahoma City golf courses.

To learn more about this incredible magic golf move, John recommends you visit: GolfSwingSecretsRevealed.com
I'll never forget the time a few years ago when my brother in law Steve explained to me how he discovered a major break through in his golf swing. He describes this golf swing takeaway tip as "lightning in a bottle"...the true holy grail of golf!

Steve told me he had been sitting at an 8 handicap for about 4 years and was getting very frustrated at his lack of improvement. He practiced diligently however he had truly reached a plateau in his golf game.

He went through about 4 golf pros during this time and every one of them told him there was nothing wrong with his golf swing. Eventually he started playing less and less golf and was about ready to give it up altogether.

Then while on holiday my brother in law was looking through an old book store in Cape Cod, Massachusetts when he found an old copy of Joe Dante's "Four Magic Moves to Winning Golf" written in 1972. He said he couldn't put the book down so out of courtesy to the store owner he bought it.

Steve showed me the book and as I leafed through it I was amazed at all the beautifully drawn illustrations showing how to swing a golf club properly. Andy Brown has since revised this book for the 21st century and offers many media formats to read or listen to the book.

Steve turned to the chapter that explains "the early backward wrist break" and told me this one magic move has totally transformed his golf game! He went on to say how golf pros never tell you HOW to break the wrists during the backswing for whatever reason. Steve believes the first 18 inches of the backswing are the most critical.

The majority of amatuer golfers turn their wrists in a way that opens or closes the clubface when they first start their backswing...This fatal move immediately puts your golf swing off the proper plane. Golfers then usually spend the rest of the golf swing trying to adjust so they can just make contact with the ball...not a good recipe for success!

This book explains how the clubhead should not open or close in the early part of the backswing...if you correctly perform the early backward wrist break your swing will be on plane early in the swing...Steve says he feels like the club is swinging itself...a truly effortless swing!

I am happy to say that my brother in law Steve is now a scratch golfer, thanks to this one magic move that has transformed his golf game!

When you make the backward wrist break perfectly - only one knuckle of your left hand (right handed golfers) and two knuckles of your right hand should be visible and the golf club should be parallel to your target line.

(Photo courtesy of The New Four Magic Moves to Winning Golf by Andy Brown and Joe Dante.)

You pay a lot of money to play this great game of golf...so why not enjoy it more by playing the golf you are capable of?

Try this golf swing takeaway tip and build the early backward wrist break into your golf swing and I promise you will halve your handicap in 2 weeks!

Hit 'em Long and Straight!

John Lynch

Fix Your Golf Slice

Posted by Angelo101 | 2:19 AM

Matt HammelsteinI have a few other tips that can bring about a dramatic difference in your game. Please see my popular website in the field of golf tips. Visit my website here!
Learn how to fix your golf slice today!
It is impossible to post good golf scores when you constantly slice the ball. Hitting the ball into the wrong fairway, the water, and the woods, has become a way of life for many golfers. If you are losing golf balls on a regular basis, you may find that a round of golf is costing you way too much money, especially when you can't get your score down. Today I hope to share with you 3 tips to help you to fix your golf slice

1. The Left Arm-- For right-handers, controlling the left arm during the swing is crucial to avoid slices. Many golfers bend the left arm as they are going back, and straighten it as they are impacting the ball. In reality, you should be doing the reverse! Keeping the left arm as straight as possible during the backswing is important, and making sure your left wrist stays firm and resisting the temptation to bend the wrist or "cup" it, is a good first step. However, on the downward swing, you must bend the left arm as you rotate the right hand and arm over. If you don't bend the arm on the downswing, you will find yourself slicing the ball very frequently.

2. The Stance--As you bend the knees and get ready to hit the ball, imagine you are a baseball infielder getting ready for the pitch. You want to be extremely balanced as you get into your stance. If you start out to the left or to the right, you will find yourself slicing the ball, even if you have a good swing. Having proper balance is the first crucial step to ensuring a straight shot . If you want to fix your golf slice, your stance is key!

3. Weight-- One simple way thing to check is where the bulk of your weight is during your swing. When you get to the top of your backswing, make sure that your weight is primarily on your right foot. However, when your swing is over, you should find that your weight has moved to your other foot. If you want to fix your golf slice, make sure that 80-90% of your weight moves to your left foot after your swing has been completed. If you find the weight staying on your right foot, you have found a big reason why you are slicing your tee shots.