To kick off I would suggest this, in other words try it and see how it works for you. The more you combine practice with visualizing your swing, the quicker you will reach your goal of hitting the golf ball long and straight.

Another problem that plagues so many golfers is the distance factor. How many times do you see that golfer set up on the ball and just try to crush the golf ball?

More times than not, you could probably throw the ball as far as
they hit it. You don't want to muscle the club, let the club do the work. Grip the club with your forward hand and let that hand hold the club Just firm enough to hold the club head off the ground.

Then, let your back hand lightly grip the club. This hand's only job is to guide the club through your swing. Your back swing should be a slow controlled motion.
Then, allow your hands and arms to come back down and through the golf ball. At the point of impact you want to be back in the same position you started in.

Also, at the point of impact you want to have what I call a controlled explosion, not everything you have just enough to swing the club all the way through the ball. As you become more comfortable with the swing then and only then can you begin to add more power to your swing.
The one thing I find that gives people the most trouble, usually without them knowing it, is keeping their eyes fixed on the ball. After hitting the ball everyone wants to see the ball in flight. You have to remember to stay fixed on the ball all the way through the point of impact. If you do this you will see where the ball is going.

Follow these tips and you will begin to see your golf ball flying straighter and longer.
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