I know that one of the main concerns for many golfers is improving iron play. Their is nothing more frustrating than being good at driving and putting, yet not being able to hit crisp iron shots. The good news is that with a few minor swing changes you are going to be able to hit your irons better than you ever have in your entire life!

If you really want to hit more solid iron shots then you must realize how an iron works. I know this sounds rather silly, but just take a minute to listen to what I am saying. Many people try to lift the ball in the air with their irons, and this is not necessary because the loft of the club is designed to do that for you. You need to make sure that when you are trying to hit crisp iron shots that you let the club do what it is designed to do, and do not try to help the ball get into the air.

Another great tip for improving iron play is to make sure that you take care of the basics. By this I mean that you need to take care of the fundamentals such as the grip, stance, and alignment. Your grip should be in a neutral position, and your stance shoulder width apart. It is important that you are aligned with your target because this will help you hit better iron shots.

Lastly to really hit the irons more solid you need to practice. Their is no substitute for practice, but what you may not realize is that practicing the wrong things can really hurt your game more than it helps. So, if you are really interested in improving iron play I suggest that you make sure you practice smarter by really getting a good golf swing guide.

See The Exact Methods I Used To Take 5 Strokes Off My Game In Just 30 Days Using a Revolutionary New Approach To The Golf Swing!

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