Want to know how to prevent a golf slice and improve on your next round? Of course you do because slicing the ball is about the most frustrating part of your golf game. It certainly was mine. I got to the point where I was all but done with golf because I could not fix my slice.

I thought I could just play through it but the more I played the more frustrated I became. Are you guys tired of constantly getting beat by your friends and co-workers well guess what soon you won't be getting beat any longer. Here are six steps that can help you fix that slice right now.

1. During the take away on the swing, it is important that you have a straight back motion and avoid pulling inside too fast or reaching out too far. A proper swing will be inside the swing plane.

2. As you coil your body maintain proper distance between the hands and the chest. Furthermore, a coiling action will produce far greater results than a steep swing plane.

3. On the back swing it is important to keep the lead elbow as straight as possible. This is something that I struggled with and when I got tired this would be the first bad habit that would surface.

4. The down swing will always start with the transferring of weight beginning with the hips and not the arms. Remember this point, when you focus on leading with the hips and not the hands, shoulders and arms you will get the best swing results.

5. Relaxation is key to improving your game. Throughout the setup, grip and the swing you should be relaxed. Your grip should be loose and you should not be tense when swinging the club.

6. Pay attention to your hands and arms after you release the club through impact. You should release straight down your target line and not have a twisting motion.

There are many reasons why golfers slice the ball, I had several problems with my swing and only when I stopped being stubborn and got help with my swing did I finally improve. Proper swing mechanics is the true key to eliminating your slice and scoring lower on your rounds.

What if I told you that you could break 80 in just 60 days from right now? Would you believe me, most likely not I'm assuming. So don't take my word for it, listen to the 19,000 golfers in more than 36 countries who have found the system that fixed their swing problems.

The system is called the Simple Golf Swing System and the creator of this system will g
uarantee you will be playing better golf in just two weeks or he will personally send your money back. If you go through my website link you will receive a free gift just for reading the offer.

CureMyGolfSwing.com So get the system that has a success rate of 95%.
As an additional bonus the creator of this system is going to throw in an additional $250 in bonus material when you order the Simple Golf Swing System. Start hitting the ball straighter and further and you will gain a new fond confidence level.
For additional benefits you will get with the Simple Golf Swing System, testimonials and the reason why I almost quit golfing